Kim Griest
Jan 13, 2024


Dear Dave,

Thanks for your comments.

Canada's taxes on wealthy are higher than US, and so Canada's middle class is larger! For example, the Canadian middle class (middle 40%) went from owning 42% total wealth in 1984 to 36% in 2005. In the US it was 37% in 1985 (our largest ever!) to 28% in 2014. So Canada today is roughly where the US was at its peak.


Also, even Canada's 50% highest marginal tax rate is below the over 90% in the 1950s or 70% under Nixon. Also, in Canada, only 1/2 of capital gains, etc. is taxed at marginal rate and the wealthy make most of their money unearned.

What to do about it is tricky. Here is my long analysis of the root of the political problem and what to do about it.



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