Why Liberals Hate America
Liberals hate America because the corporate-sponsored right wing loudmouths need a dangerous enemy to rant about so that can they slip through laws and policies that are not in the interest of the majority of Americans. They used to blame the communists, but since the end of the cold war that doesn’t work as well. Liberals, foreign terrorists, and democratic socialists are now the needed outside enemy. Liberals, of course, actually are the ones who have given us most of the best things in America. Liberals ended slavery. Liberals gave women the right to vote, and before that the right to go to school. Liberals did away with child labor, sweat shops, indentured servitude, and debtor prisons. Liberals gave us U.S. senators elected by popular vote rather than appointed. Liberals gave Blacks the right to vote, laws to protect the environment and the consumer. Liberals gave us Social Security, Medicare, mental hospitals, public schools, and of course don’t forget the weekend. Conservative big corporations, the rich people who ran them, and their dupes, fought all these changes. [Note, the dupes include many groups of people, but especially conservative Christians, people with strong prejudices of all types, and gullible “fiscal conservatives”.] They made the same claims then against all these changes as they do now against the current liberal agenda. They said these changes cost too much and will ruin the economy. They said these changes were anti-American and against the Bible. That last claim was probably true since the Bible endorses slavery, says women and children are the property of men, and of course allows us only one day of rest.
The average person, of course, is happy that all the above changes made by liberals were made, and would certainly endorse the current liberal agenda if they actually thought about it. The current liberal agenda is really just a continuation of the 200 year tradition defined by the changes above: more freedom for individuals and more responsibility for corporations. Human health and happiness above tradition and above profit for the rich. Equal rights for all people, removal of special rights for the rich. Long term planning instead of short term profit. Thus the current liberal agenda includes stronger health and environmental laws and limits on destruction of forests and oceans. It includes removal of discrimination against the handicapped, gays, and women. It includes policies that promote fairness and peace in the world, rather than policies that increase the power of multi-national corporations.
Since to sneak in its anti-middle-class agenda requires falsely attacking some enemy, conservatives also are required to have much less regard for the truth. They need to build fear and prejudice, and the easiest way to do that is to distort facts and lie about their chosen targets of hatred. Liberals have a basic belief in honesty and truth, so are at a short term disadvantage. This is why distortion of scientific facts is a conservative policy: e.g. tobacco is not harmful to health, global warming is not happening, Saddaam Hussein was behind 9/11 and has nuclear weapons, etc.
So, it is just to keep us from thinking about the liberal agenda, that the right wing corporate controlled media keeps telling us that liberals hate America.
Liberals are and always have been the true Americans and our only hope. We have always been attacked by the powerful, but we always keep fighting. We may be delayed by the right-wing-Christian anti-middle-class agenda, but as the above list of accomplishments show, we always win in the end.
So next time someone asks why liberals hate America, you can tell them why.
Frequently Asked Questions
Lincoln was a Republican, so how can you say liberals freed the slaves? And where did all these “liberal victory” examples come from anyway?
First, it is important to counter the false conservative narrative that today’s Republicans have anything to do with the liberal, big government party of Lincoln. It is well established by many careful historical analyses that, over time, the Republican party switched from liberal during Lincoln’s time to conservative today. (For a short description see: https://thecompletepilgrim.com/how-the-democrats-became-liberals-and-how-the-republicans-became-conservatives/ or even just read the wikipedia page on the Republican Party.)
Second, perhaps surprisingly, many of the examples I use of liberal victories are taken from my own family’s personal experience!
I come from a Quaker family on my Dad’s side; we’ve been in America since the 1600’s, and we’ve been liberals (and fought conservatives) that entire time!
My great-great-great grandfather published an abolishionist newspaper before the civil war, and wrote a book titled “The Fugitive Slaves”, where he describes his family’s use of the Griest homestead in Pennsylvania as part of the underground railroad helping fugitives slaves escape from the South. He fought in the civil war on the side of the North, even though many Quakers, including some of my relatives, were passivists. His book details the conflicts between the liberal Quakers and the extremely racist conservative Christians of that era.
My great-…-great aunt, Ann Preston, was a founder and dean of the first Medical College for Women in the US (still part of the U of Penn Medical School). When she finally won the right to bring her female students to observe surgeries at one of Philadelphia’s teaching hospitals, the male doctors and students gave her and her students catcalls and spitballs. The newspapers of the day disapproved of that, saying that was no way to treat women, but agreed that it was ridiculous for women to try and become doctors. Aren’t we all glad we liberals eventually won that battle?
My family was active in the suffragette movement. All you women who like to vote can thank us liberals for that. My grandfather worked with Linus Pauling on his Nobel Peace Prize winning “Ban the Bomb” movement (which gave us the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963), my uncle was head of the anti-war Peace Center at the University of Missouri, and my parents met just after WWII (in which my father fought) at the “Interracial Eating Co-op” at the University of Wisconsin; in those days just sitting down and eating with Black people was considered a radical act done only by Whites who were extreme liberals! I myself have taken in place in many liberal/environmental/social justice/anti-war causes, and I’ve watched as we liberals have improved America in so many ways (some of which are listed above).